Retired Hexed Petz

These petz are NOT for adoption or trade. This page is here to show the first hexies I made pre-2004. They are in no particular order.
Textured, fuzzied Dali. Leo spotted, fuzzy dali. Textured, hex painted, bullseye tattoo.
My first Tattoo hexing ^-^ Jus a fuzzy calico with a heart tattoo. Leo spotted Egyptian Mau. Black. Leo spotted Egyptian Mau. White.
A hex painted russian blue with alley patches (I think xD) My first attempt at doing a halfie. I did 6 colors (black, red, cream, orange, grey, and brown) Unfortunately I don't have their pics. Another first attempt, but this time spotting another breed. It didn't work completely though, as the spots only ended up on the back legs. Yet ANOTHER first attempt. My texturing is ok, and the pup looks cute but I'll do better next time. Spotting on more than one area (I figured it out!) but now its only on the bum, and feet. Oh well. And as you can see he's textured as well (Brindle?)
Brindled, and spotted. First time doing diff. colored spots and noses. Just regular hex painting, nothing special Just basically hex-painting. This is one version included in my variation file. Another one where I did spotting and texturing.
All green muttlie, I hexed this one for a friend. Pink, Fuzzy and Hexpainted, and appaloosa spots on the bum. Blue version of the pink one next to this one. Grey dipped muttlie. Also textured. Brown dipped.
Orange dipped. Cream dipped. Black dipped. Red dipped.
Hexed for a friend. Green winged muttlie. Blue winged muttlie. Cyan winged muttlie. Pink winged muttlie.
Green appaloosa muttlie (like the blue and pink ones). Purple appaloose muttlie (like the blue and pink ones). Red winged muttlie (Evil Muttlie Litter). Black winged muttlie (Evil Muttlie Litter).
Winged muttlie. Winged muttlie. Winged muttlie. Winged muttlie.
Hex painted, nothin special. B&W Muttlie. White Skunk Stripe. Black Skunk Stripe.
First Mutt Hexed Litter (2001)
First Mutt Hexies (2001)